Design of an integrated temperature and humidity sensor based on high dynamic range utilization rate ADC (Open Access)
Silicon-based optoelectronic heterogeneous integration for optical interconnection
Pedestrian 3D Shape Understanding for Person Re-Identification via Multi-View Learning
Multi-color Detection of Single Sensor Based on Tellurium Relaxation Characteristics
A 100Gbps Monolithic Integrated Analog Coherent QPSK Optical Receiver Based on a COSTAS Optical Phase-Locked Loop
DCNet: A Self-supervised EEG Classification Framework for Improving Cognitive Computing-enabled Smart Healthcare
Broadband enhancement and high extraction efficiency from single quantum dots embedded in microlenses coupled with a gold mirror (Open Access)
Optical Aggregation/De-Aggregation Between QPSK and OOK Channels Enabled by Phase-Sensitive Amplifier-based Bi-Directional Vector Moving
Learning adversarial semantic embeddings for zero-shot recognition in open worlds
Continuous THz-wave generation using antenna-integrated MUTC-PD and DFB laser array
Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study of Cleaning Mechanisms in Multipulse Laser Paint Removal of Acrylic Polyurethane Composite Paint Layers on Aluminum Alloy
Wideband-tunable (2-22 GHz) Low-phase-noise (- 120 dBc/Hz) Optoelectronic Oscillator Based on EML with RF-injection
Mitigating Fast Thermal Instability by Engineered Laser Sweep in AIN Soliton Microcomb Generation
Photonic Chip Set for Terahertz Frequency 45 Gb/s Data Transmission
Continuous-wave Terahertz Mode-beating Signal Generation Based on High-power Multi-wavelength DFB Semiconductor Laser Array