Zhang, Xiwen; Wang, Yang; Chen, Ying; Guo, Xingzhong; Tang, Rongyu; Ma, Fengjun; Yang, Xiaowei; Gui, Qiang; Wang, Yijun; Pei, Weihua Source: SSRN, April 24, 2024;
The modification on the surface of neural electrodes is critical for improving the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and prolonging the recording time. Electrodeposition is a simple and practical modification technique that has been applied to a wide range of materials. However, the traditional electrodeposition becomes increasingly inefficient as the electrode channels dramatically increase since it is performed one by one. Short-circuiting multiple electrode sites and then modifying them together can significantly improve efficiency. But it remains a significant challenge to reliably connect hundreds or thousands of electrodes before the electrodeposition and to safely and easily disconnect them afterward. An approach of removable electrical connection was adopted to solve this problem. A kind of silver nanowire (AgNW) conductive ink with water as the dispersion was chosen to connect all the electrodes for simultaneous electrodeposition temporarily electrically. This approach makes the electrodeposition process convenient and reliable. Above all, the proposed approach is compatible with a wide range of MEAs fabricated from different materials.
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