Wang, Yanji; Wang, Yu; Zhang, Yanzhong; Wang, Xinpeng; Zhang, Hao; Xu, Rongqing; Tong, Yi Source: Applied Physics Express, v 17, n 2, February 1, 2024;


Nociceptive receptors are primarily responsible for detecting and responding to potentially harmful stimuli, including painful sensations and tissue damage. In this letter, we designed Pt/Ag/NbOx/W memristors with threshold switching (TS) characteristics and low working voltage attributed to the diffusion of Ag ions within the device. Furthermore, this device successfully emulates the functions of a leaky integrate-and-fire neuron and nervous pain perception functions, respectively. The artificial neurons exhibit multiple neural functions, including leaky integration, threshold-driven firing, self-relaxation characteristics, and allodynia, hyperalgesia of the nociceptors. The proposed TS memristor may show great potential in the field of neuromorphic computing and creating intelligent systems that can replicate the complexity of the human brain.

? 2024 The Author(s). Published on behalf of The Japan Society of Applied Physics by IOP Publishing Ltd. (30 refs.)