Title: GaInAsP/InP Long-wavelength Lasers for In-plane Photonic Integrated Circuits
Speaker: Prof. Shigehisa Arai (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Time: Aug. 12, 2019 9:30AM
Venue:No. 733 meeting room of building 1, IOS, CAS
Abstract:Conventional photonic integrated devices such as dynamic-single-mode and wavelength-tunable semiconductor lasers, semiconductor optical amplifiers, and optical switches/modulators, have been developed with high-performance. In this presentation we review the properties of the low-damage and cost-effective processing technologies of ultrafine structures for high-performance lasers and photonic integrated circuits on silicon platforms.
Biography:Shigehisa Arai received the B.E., M.E., and D.E. degrees in Electronics from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, in 1977, 1979, and 1982, respectively. He joined the Department of Physical Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, as a Research Associate in Apr. 1982. Further, he became a Professor with the Research Center for Quantum Effect Electronics and the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in 1994. From Apr. 2004 to Mar. 2016, he was a Professor with the Quantum Nanoelectronics Research Center (QNERC), and Institute of Innovative Research (IIR), Tokyo Institute of Technology, from Apr. 2016 to Mar. 2019. From Apr. 2019, he became an Emeritus Professor. Prof. Arai is a Life-Fellow of IEEE, and a Fellow of IEICE (the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers) and JSAP (the Japan Society of Applied Physics). He received an Excellent Paper Award, an Electronics Society Award, an Achievement Award, and a Distinguished Educational Practitioners Award from the IEICE in 1988, 2008, 2011, and 2019, respectively. He also received the Michael Lunn Memorial Award from the Indium Phosphide and Related Materials Conference (IPRM) in 2000, and SSDM (Int. Conf. on Solid State Devices and Materials) Award in 2016, a prize for Science and Technology in the Commendation for Science and Technology from the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in 2008. From Feb. 2019, he has been a program officer of WISE program (Doctoral program for World-leading Innovative & Smart Education) conducted by the MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology).