Title: Progress in Nanoscale Characterization and Manipulation
Speaker: Prof. Wang Rongming (University of Science and Technology Beijing)
Time: Oct. 12, 2017 15:30PM
Venue: No. 303 meeting room of building 2, IOS, CAS
Abstract: Nanoscale characterization has enabled the discovery of many novel functional materials which started from understanding important relationships between material properties and morphologies. Therefore, nanoscale characterization has become an important research topic in nanoscience. It fosters the foundation for the design of functional nanodevices and applications of these nanomaterials.While nanomaterials find wider and more significant applications in almost every aspect of modern science and technology, researchers have been trying to gain detailed knowledge of novel materials with atomic (even sub-?) scale resolution that are responsible for their unique properties, including chemical composition, atomic organization, coordinates, valence states, etc. This has been driving the development of ultramicroscopy. Here I will address the growing opportunities in this field and introduces the state-of-the-art charged-particle microscopy techniques, including conventional transmission electron microscopy, spherical-corrected microscopy and in-situ microscopy.