Title: Photonics for Radar and EW systems
Speaker: Antonella Bogoni, Paolo Ghelfi 【CNIT (Inter-university National Consortium for Telecommmunications), Pisa-Italy】
Time: Jan.7,2015, 3:00PM
Venue: No. 101 Meeting Room, IOS, CAS
Abstract: This seminar will introduce and summarize the use of photonics for Radar and EW systems. These systems are evolving toward multiband multifunctional systems that are putting electronic technologies under pressure. Thanks to its intrinsic high stability, ultra-wide bandwidth, low loss propagation, EMI insensitivity, and high frequency of the optical carrier, photonics can be exploited for facing these new requirements.
Photonics can find application in: generation of very stable multi-band radiofrequency (RF) sources, very precise and wideband RF signal detection and digitization, wideband beam steering of RF signals in phased array antennas, realization of tunable RF filters, radio over fiber for easier antenna remotization.
Photonics also guarantees a higher level of flexibility and reconfigurability, and the complete software-defined configuration of radar systems. Moreover solutions based on integrated photonic circuits allow for a reduction of power consumption and footprint thanks to the subsystems’ implementation on a chip.
The benefits of photonics can also be exploited in wireless communication systems to increase the network capacity and the network adaptability, and for integrating telecom and surveillance functionalities in a single multifunctional apparatus.
The seminar will also present, as an example of application, the first propotype of photonic-based coherent multiband radar system.
Biography: Antonella Bogoni, head of research area of CNIT (National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications), is one of the pioneers of the Integrated Research Center for Photonic Networks and Technologies created in Pisa in 2001 as a part of a broad agreement among four partners, CNIT, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Marconi Communications S.p.A. (now Ericsson) and the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), aiming to create in Pisa a world-class Center of Excellence, where currently she is leader of the “digital & microwave photonics” area.
Antonella Bogoni dedicated her research activity to photonics technologies for ultra-fast optical communication systems. In 2004 she proposed the fastest optical regenerator at that time, working at 320 Gb/s.
From 2008 she collaborates with the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles where she worked in 2008 and from 2009 to 2010 as winner of a “Fulbright” scholarship.
In the USC laboratories she developed the first photonic processor prototype suitable for logic operations at 640 Gb/s.
In 2009 she obtained an ERC starting grant for developing a photonic-based fully digital radar systems, and in 2012 and 2014 she got two additional ERC grants within the “proof of concept” program in order to convert her research results into a pre-industrial product for airport security and environment monitoring. She presented on NATURE the first photonic-based radar.
Up to now Antonella Bogoni got 14 national and international project grants, she is co/author of 52 patents, 8 books and chapters and more than 130 papers on the main scientific international journals.
Moreover she presented more than 250 contributions in the main photonics and radar international conferences. She has been also invited as expert on the main Journals and conferences and she collaborates with several of the most prestigious research and industrial groups in photonics and radar fields all around the world. She is Topical Editor for Optics Letters, she is also in the Board of reviewers of , Wiley Editor, Nature Photonics, IEEE/OSA Journals. She is chair of international conferences and workshops, including general chair of Photonics in Switching 2014 and Sub-committee Chair of ECOC 2015.
Paolo Ghelfi received the M.S. degree in electronics engineering from the University of Parma, Italy, in 2000. From 2001 he is with the National Laboratory of Photonic Networks of CNIT in Pisa, Italy, where he is now Head of Research. In 2008 he has been visiting scientist at KIST in Seoul, South Korea.
His early research interests have been in the areas of fiber-optic transmission systems, all-optical signal processing, and reconfigurable optical networks. From 2009 he has been studying applications of microwave photonics techniques to radar systems and wireless communications.
He has authored or co-authored more than 30 papers on International Journals, more than 90 papers on International Conferences, 15 patents, and 2 book chapters.