Title:High-power tunable master-oscillator-power-amplifier systems for nonlinear bio-imaging applications
Speaker: Dr. Ying Ding(Univ. of Dundee, UK)
Tme:PM14:00, Feb. 21, 2012
Venue:academic salon room, IOS, CAS
Abstract: High-power all-semiconductor ultrafast master-oscillator-power-amplifier (MOPA) systems with wavelength and repetition rate tunability are one of the key elements for the development of cutting-edge biomedical imaging applications for replacing the classic but expensive ultrashort pulsed Ti:sapphire (Ti:s) laser source. Ultrafast semiconductor lasers operating with widely tunable wavelengths and repetition rates, together with high-power semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs), are of great interest for different nonlinear microscopy (NLM) applications, where a high power density at the focus of a microscope objective is required to produce nonlinear absorption effects (i.e. two-photon excited fluorescence (TPEF), second harmonic generation (SHG), etc). The advantages of these tunabilities for NLM applications are linked to the different penetration depths as well as the reduced probability of photo damage. In this talk, the highest peak power from an all-quantum-dot (QD) MOPA system by far as well as the remarkable wavelength and repetition rate tunability will be presented. Preliminary TPEF imaging results indicate that this kind of QD MOPA systems are promising as pulsed light sources, with a potential waveband covering the range of 1.0?1.3 μm thus, being suitable for nonlinear bio-imaging applications.
Biography: Dr Ying Ding received Master degree at Beijing Optoelectronic Technology laboratory and Beijing Univ. of Technology, China, in 2002. He then undertook a PhD study, which he was awarded in 2006, at the Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, researching InP-based BH-DFB MQW lasers, SOAs, SLDs for the applications of optical fiber communications. He joined RCIQE, Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo, Japan, as a Postdoctoral Researcher in 2005, where he was engaged in research on MOVPE selective area growth of III-V semiconductor nanowire arrays; optical investigation of nanowire arrays and single nanowire. In 2008, he joined the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore as a Research Fellow, where he worked on quantum-dot vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (QD-VCSELs). He is now a Marie Curie Senior Research Fellow in the Division of Electronic Engineering and Physics at the Univ. of Dundee, UK, where he is working on the study of mode-locked quantum dot lasers, integrated ultrafast devices etc. Ying Ding has authored and co-authored more than 40 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences proceedings, and invented 1 Chinese patent, filed 2 UK patents. He also serves as an active reviewer for IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Electronics Letters, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Applied Physics, Photonics Technology Letters, Optics Communications, Applied Optics, Optical Engineering, Optica Applicata, Materials Research Bulletin, Nanoscale etc. He is a guest editor for the journal of Recent Patents on Signal Processing.