Title:Fluorescent 6H SiC based all-semiconductor white LED
Speaker: Dr. Haiyan Ou (Associate Professor, Department of Photonics, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark)
Abstract:With the rapid progress made in high power white LED development in the areas of performance improvement and cost reduction, the adoption of the LEDs for general lighting has accelerated over last few years. This talk will provide an innovative method to make white LEDs, using fluorescent SiC to take the place of phosphor. This all-semiconductor white LED will improve the performance of the current white LEDs further in terms of life time, luminous efficacy and color rendering index. The donor-acceptor pair emission mechanism, material growth and characterization, and device structure will be presented with the focus for white LED application. New potential applications in solar cells and infrared LEDs of doped SiC will be briefly mentioned at the end of the talk.
Time:9:30am, Oct. 25, 2011
Vemue:Academic Conference Center, Institute of Semiconductors, CAS