Title: Pixel Circuit Level Dynamic Range Extension Technique & Recent Researches on Smart Image Sensor for 3-D Range Finding

  Speaker: Makoto Ikeda (University of Tokyo, Japan)

  Time: 10:00 (A.M.), Jul. 8, 2010

  Venue: Academic Salon, Institute of Semiconductors, CAS

  Abstract: In this talk, I will classify techniques to enhance dynamic range from the pixel level standpoint. Dynamic range in pixel level is simply determined by full-well capacity and S/N of pixel value readout. To enhance dynamic range, (1) adjusting well capacity, by changing photo-gate vias or connecting over flow capacitance (special domain); (2) adaptive charge skimming using controlled charge injection into pixel well capacitance (signal level domain); (3) adaptive integration time control using adaptive ramp functions or conditional resetting of saturated pixels (time domain); (4) pixel level signal to frequency conversion, time to saturation conversion or pixel level sigma-delta ADC or time domain ADC (time domein); (5) pixel level logarithmic compression using MOS diodes or lateral overflow gates (signal level domain).In addition, I will briefly overview current researches on smart image sensors for 3-D range finding in my lab.

  About speaker:

  Makoto Ikeda received his BE, ME, and PhD in Electronic Engineering from the University of Tokyo, Japan, in 1991, 1993, and 1996, respectively. He joined EE department of the University of Tokyo as a research associate in 1996, and joined VLSI Design and Education Center(VDEC), the University of Tokyo in the same year. He continues to work for VDEC for more than 14 years for supporting Japanese academia to design and fabricate LSIs. He is currently an associate professor at both VDEC and EE department of the University of Tokyo. His research interests include smart image sensor design and high-speed, and real-time 3D capture with the smart image sensors, and dependable digital circuits designs. He has served program committee members of ISSCC, VLSI Circuits Symposium, A-SSCC, ICCAD, ICFPT, FPL, ISQED and COOL Chips, and he also serves as FE Regional Committee Vice Chair, and Executive Committee member of ISSCC and TPC Chair of COOL Chips.