Title: Optical Micro-ring Resonators
Speaker: Prof. P.-T. Ho(Electrical engineering in the University of Maryland, College Park, USA)
Time: 10:00(AM), Jan. 21, 2010
Venue: Academic Salon, Institute of Semiconductors, CAS
Abstract: Optical micro-ring resonators are compact, versatile devices capable of performing all common functions, linear and nonlinear: filtering, multiplexing/demultiplexing, modulation, switching, delay, switching, gating, routing, sensing. They are particularly suitable for large-scale integration. After a brief introduction to micro-resonators in general and micro-ring resonators in particular, I will present our work in Maryland as well as work elsewhere. I will conclude with a discussion on the prospects and challenges of this technology.
About speaker:
P.-T. Ho, currently on leave at Tsinghua University, is a professor of electrical engineering in the University of Maryland, College Park, USA. He has worked on ultrafast technology, microwaves, high-power optical switching, nonlinear optics, and integrated optical devices. In Maryland, he has taught over 20 different courses in circuits, electronics, numerical methods, systems and signals, electromagnetics, optics, semiconductors, group theory, quantum mechanics, quantum electronics, filter design, acoustics and loudspeaker design. He received all his degrees from MIT.