Title: InP-Based Photonic Integrated Devices

  Speaker: Dr. Liming Zhang(Bell Labs, USA)

  Time: 10:00(AM), Nov.12, 2009

  Venue:  Academic Meeting Room, Institute of Semiconductors, CAS

  Abastract: InP and its compounds are direct bandgap material which make them ideal for many optical components such as laser, modulator and detector. Inter-connect these optical components with low loss InP passive waveguide, it is possible to make multifunction high performance monolithic integrated devices. In this talk, some of recent works on our monolithic integrated photonic circuits (PIC) are reviewed. A compact DQPSK transmitter and receiver both capable of operating at 107Gb/s will be presented. A novel DP-OOK modulator with a simple and robust design and performance at 80Gb/s is demonstrated. A single chip EAM modulator integrated with tunable optical dispersion compensator will be presented. The integrated devices expanded the dispersion tolerance range from ~80 to ~280 ps/nm. Finally, a monolithic integrated circuit is demonstrated. The chip integrated wavelength converter and a rapidly tunable wavelength laser to construct a wavelength-switching element. The device can operate at 40Gb/s with 0.5ns wavelength switch.

  About Speaker:

  Biography: Dr. Liming Zhang received Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering

  from Strathclyde University, UK in 1990. He worked as research associate at

  Cambridge University, UK from 1990 to 1993. In 1993 he joined Bell Laboratories

  of Alcatel-Lucent, where he has been investigating photonic integrated circuits

  in III-V semiconductor material structures for applications in optical

  communication systems. His research interests also include non-linear

  semiconductor optical amplifier and quantum dots.