Title:From Huang Equations to Lattice, Charge, and Spin Excitations
Speaker:Prof. Can-Ming. Hu (Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Manitoba)
Time:10:00 AM, Dec.25, 2008
Venue:Academic Conference Center, Institute of Semiconductors, CAS
Abstract:The great ideas integrated in Huang Equations, which involve harmonic oscillation, macroscopic polarization, and the long wavelength approximation that simplifies a many-body problem to a single particle picture, provide a coherent and consistent view for understanding spin, charge, and lattice excitations in semiconductor and ferromagnetic materials. Within this context, I will review our experimental results of investigating some elementary excitations by using far-infrared and microwave spectroscopy, which include: charge excitations within the Reststrahlen band, quantized dispersion of 2D magneto-plasmons, and the physics of ferromagnetic resonance and ferromagnetic antiresonance.