Title:Transmission Characteristic of Surface Plasmon Polaritons in Metal Nanostructure and its Application 0n Nanoscale Photonic Devices
Speaker: Prof. Guoping Wang
Time: :10:00 AM, Nov. 27, 2008
Venue: Academic meeting center in Institute of Semiconductors, CAS
Abstract: Prof. Wang has introduced his group research working in recent years on the transmission characteristic of Surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) and its application in nano-photonic devices. The topic include: nanofocusing of SPPs in the metal hetero-waveguides, self-collimation phenomena of SPPs, plasmonic waveguide, Bragg reflector and microcavity; Negative refraction of metal waveguide arrays, spatial Bloch oscillations of plasmons; Photon Bloch oscillations and Resonant Zener tunneling in nanoscale metal Superlattices and so on.