Title: Plasma-Based Technology in Microelectronics, Nanotechnology, and Biomedical Engineering
Date: October 17, 2008
By: Prof. Paul K Chu (City University of Hong Kong)
Abstract:Plasma-based ion implantation and deposition are useful techniques in many applications. In this seminar, recent research works conducted in our laboratory pertaining to microelectronics, nanomaterials, and biomedical engineering will be described. Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) is expected to replace conventional bulk silicon substrates in many microelectronic devices. By using hydrogen plasma immersion ion implantation in conjunction with layer transfer technology, we have produced the first 100 and 150mm full SOI wafers using plasma technology.As device dimensions continue to shrink, wider applications of SOI in microelectronics are hampered by the self-heating effects caused by the poor thermal conductivity of the buried silicon dioxide layer. We have produced alternative buried insulators such as diamond-like carbon that possess better thermal conductivity compared to conventional silicon dioxide using plasma immersion ion implantation and deposition and successfully fabricated SOI structures with improved thermal stability. High-k materials are important in deep sub-micrometer CMOS technology. We have fabricated different types of high-k thin films and improved the crystallization as well as interfacial properties. Besides, our recent work on nanobiology, particularly biolabeling using silicon carbide nanocrystals, will be described.
About Prof. Paul K Chu:Paul K Chu is Professor (Chair) in the Department of Physics and Materials Science in City University of Hong Kong. He received his MS and PhD in chemistry from Cornell University. His research activities are quite diverse including microelectronic, optoelectronic, and biomedical materials. Paul is Fellow of the APS, AVS, IEEE, and HKIE. He has won many awards including the 2007 IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society Merit Award. Paul is co-editor of 3 books and has written 20 book chapters and more than 600 journal papers. Paul has been awarded 8 US and 5 Chinese patents, which have been cited more than 50 times by IBM, Samsung, LSI Logic, Applied Materials, and so on in their patent applications. He is credited by ISI Thomson Scientific as one of the top 0.1% scientists in materials science. He is senior editor of IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, associate editor of International Journal of Plasma Science and Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering Reports. He holds concurrent professorship in 12 universities and research institutes in China.
83th Forum--Plasma-Based Technology in Microelectronics, Nanotechnology, and Biomedical Engineering