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National High-End Scientists Recruitment at the Institute of Semiconductors, CAS
Update time: 2019-04-12
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中国科学院半导体研究所(Institute of Semiconductors, CAS)是集半导体物理、材料、器件研究及系统集成应用的国家级综合性研究所,于1960年在北京成立。半导体所现有在职科研人员600余名。中国科学院院士6名,中国工程院院士2名,海外高层次人才28人,国家万人计划入选者4人,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者16人,百千万人才工程入选者11人。设有3个博士后流动站,3个一级学科博士培养点,3个工程硕士培养点。

Institute of Semiconductors (IOS) was founded in 1960, is a national comprehensive research institute in the field of physics, materials, devices research and integrated system. At present, there are more than 600 scientific professionals, 6 CAS academician, 2 CAE academician, 28 high-end researchers from overseas, 4 recipients of the “National Ten Thousand-Talent Program”, 16 recipients of the “National Funds for Distinguished Young Scholars”, and 11 recipients of the “New Century National Hundred, Thousand, and Ten Thousand Talent Project”. IOS bears three postdoctoral stations, three first-level doctoral programs, and three engineering master training programs.



The IOS has an excellent research team, research platform and teaching base, including Physics Research-the State Key Laboratory for Superlattices and Microstructures; Materials Research-the CAS Key Laboratory of Semiconductor Material Science; Optoelectronic Devices Research-the State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics, the National Research Center for Optoelectronic Technology, the National Engineering Research Center for Optoelectronic Devices, the State Key Laboratory of Solid State Lighting, the CAS Key Laboratory of Solid-state optoelectronics information technology, the Nano-Optoelectronics Laboratory, the Laboratory of All-Solid-State Laser Sources and the Optoelectronic System Laboratory; Semiconductor Technology Platform-the Engineering Research Center for Semiconductor Integrated Technology and lead the Beijing Regional Center of Information Electronic Technology Instruments; Featured Microelectronics-High-speed Circuit, Biomedical research, chips and systems based on artificial neural networks. IOS is the primary supporting unit of the Excellence Center for semiconductor and optoelectronic devices at CAS, and the host unit of the school of material science and optoelectronics technology at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. A series of outstanding innovative achievements have been obtained in related research fields. In recent years, IOS has been awarded "National Prize of Natural Sciences in China" and "National Awards for Science and Technology Achievements". Prof. HUANG Kun was awarded "the National Supreme Award of Science and Technology of China" in 2001.

According to the strategic development needs, we sincerely invite outstanding young scientists to join us.



Research Fields

Semiconductor physics and devices research; Advanced semiconductor materials and applications; Integrated semiconductor optoelectronic devices; Semiconductor nano-materials and devices; High power all-solid-state lasers and applications; Artificial neural networks and artificial intelligence chips; Semiconductor laser sensing technology and imaging; and other emerging research areas.


1. 自然科学或工程技术领域,与主要研究领域和方向契合者优先,年龄不超过40周岁;

2. 具有博士学位,并有3年以上海外科研工作经历;

3. 在海外知名高校、科研机构或高科技企业有正式工作岗位; 

4. 引进后需全职到岗工作。

Position Requirements for Candidates

      One should have the education and training in natural sciences or engineering with the research interests compatible with the posted fields.

      One should be under the age of 40 years old.

      One should hold a doctoral degree and have at least three-year overseas research experience.

      One should hold a faculty position or an equivalent position in an overseas world-class university, institution or high-tech enterprise.

      One should be able to work full time after recruitment.


1. 聘任为研究员、博士生导师;

2. 允许设立独立课题组,协助建立研究团队;

3. 500万元以上的科研启动经费;

4. 年薪70万元/年以上;

5. 50万元生活补贴;

6. 提供科研所需的办公和实验用房;

7. 优先安排人才公寓或周转房;

8. 协助解决子女入学。

Position Treatments

      A full professor position with doctoral supervisorship.

      The awardee has the option to establish an independent research group.

      The awardee will receive a start-up research funding of no less than RMB 5,000,000. 

      Annual salary would be at least RMB 700,000.

      A subsidy of RMB 500,000 will be provided from the government.

      The institute provides office and laboratory space.

      The institute provides talent apartment .

      The institute will offer assistance with children's school enrollment.


1. 欢迎来电来信咨询,并将简历及代表性成果发送至:zhaopin@semi.ac.cn

2. 候选人受邀来所答辩,研究所给予国际差旅补贴;

3. 通过答辩的申请人与半导体所签订工作意向协议书,依托半导体所申报国家人才计划。

Application Procedures

      Please submit a covering letter and CV via email to zhaopin@semi.ac.cn.

      The institute will provide a travel allowance for interviewees.

      The institute will provide assistance with application of the national talents plan after signing the tentative job agreement for those who pass the evaluation and job interview.



中国科学院半导体研究所人事处 吴老师





Ms. Q. Wu

Human Resources Department

The Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Tel: 86-10-82304192

E-mail: zhaopin@semi.ac.cn 

Website: www.semi.ac.cn

Address: No. A35, Qinghua East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China (100083)

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