Dec.22 2013, 22th Academic Committee Meeting of State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics (SKLIOE) was successfully held in Xijiao Hotel, Beijing. SKLIOE is a joint laboratory, cooperated by Jilin University and Institute of Semiconductors, CAS. Thirteen committee members attended the meeting, including Academician Binkun Zhou from Tsinghua University, Academician Qiming Wang from Institute of Semiconductors, Academician Qihuang Gong from Peking University, Professor Yi Luo, the former director of SKLIOE, Professor Zhang Rong, president of Shandong University. The leaders of Ministry of Science and Technology, National Natural Fund Committee (NNFC), Jilin University and Institute of Semiconductors, were invited to participate in the meeting. 27 staffs of SKLIOE were also present.
Professor Yongzhen Huang, Director of SKLIOE, gave a warm welcome speech, followed by the presentations by the leaders of Ministry of Science and Technology and NNFC. The meeting was chaired by Professor Hongbo Sun from Jilin University.
Director Huang summarized the whole research work of SKLIOE in 2013, including research progress, task undertaking, laboratory construction, talents cultivation, patents and publications. The following five reports were presented: Optoelectronic devices and systems for limiting spectrum, Micro- and Nano- structure of organic optoelectronics, High-speed Si-based modulators, Special optical fibers and photonic devices, and On-chip matrix processor and optical router.
The academic committee members pointed out the disadvantages limiting the future rapid development of SKLIOE, and presented valuable suggestions for the development direction of the laboratory. 15 candidates for 2014 SKLIOE Opening Projects were reviewed by the committee members.