On June 4, 2008, Prof. Klaus von Klitzing, the 1985 Nobel Prize winner in physics from the Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research, visited the Institute of Semiconductors, CAS and presented a report titled “News from the Quantum Hall Effect” in the “Huang Kun Forum". Prof. LI Jin-Min, the Director of the Institute, presented a certificate of “Honorary Professor of the Institute of Semiconductors, CAS” to Prof. Klitzing.
Also, in order to strengthen exchanges and cooperation between the Max-Planck Institute and the Institute of Semiconductors, CAS and to serve their scientific research, a "Klaus von Klitzing Laboratory" was established. ZHAN Wen-Long, vice president of CAS, and Prof. Klitzing unveiled this laboratory.
Moreover, after this visit, CAS Executive Vice President BAI Chun-Li met with Prof. Klitzing, who was elected into CAS in 2006, and presented him with a CAS Foreign Member Certificate.